Cancer Effects and Cancer Glossary

Cancer is a multi-symptomatic disease. In this sense, its effects can be multiple and vary from one patient to another. In fact, the majority of cancers are completely asymptomatic at first. When finally emerge, symptoms are not typical to the disease. Cancer effects are often minor and common to many other diseases at the genesis. Only specific diagnostic procedures may lead to the detection of the cancer. In general, the characteristics of the symptoms of cancer depend on the organ affected, and its stage.

Cancer Effects

For instance, lung cancer may lead to the development of:  

  • shortness of breath 
  • difficulty swallowing 
  • alteration of general condition 
  • chest pain and cough 
  • loss of appetite and weight loss 
  • spitting blood 
  • Swollen lymph nodes in neck or at the level of the clavicles.
In the majority of women, breast cancer usually manifests by: 

  • presence of a lump in the breast  
  • palpable swollen lymph nodes in the armpits 
  • Physiological and functional changes in the breast: nipple discharge, presence of red patch on the breast, abnormal skin peeling, breast pain, etc. 
Colon cancer can go undetected for a long period. However, left untreated, the cancer can spread into the liver,lymph nodesand other parts of the body, leading to the development of:  

  • New onset of abdominal pain 
  • Disorder or change in bowel movement 
  • An alteration of general condition 
  • An abdominal tumor or liver metastasis 
  • Bowel obstruction or intestinal perforation (complication).
Unlike many other cancers, prostate cancer has a slow growth, and may take years before producing symptoms. In fact, some men die with prostate cancer without being aware of it.Whensymptomsfinallyoccur, theymayinclude: 

  • Frequent urination 
  • Difficulty in retaining and/or starting urine 
  • Low or discontinuous urine output 
  • Pain or burning sensation on urination  
  • Blood in the urine 
  • Painful ejaculation 
  • Dull pain in lower back, the hips or upper thighs. 
Cancer Glossary   Carcinoma In Situ: used when talking about cancer, carcinoma in situ is a small mass of cells which have every appearance of malignant cells but does not cross the basement membrane upon which they rely and which separates them from the rest of the tissues. So the condition is considered as a pre-cancer. However, carcinoma in situ is at high risk of becoming invasive. 

Biopsy : mostly performed for diagnosis purpose, a biopsy is the removal of a sample of body tissue in order to make a microscopic examination. 

Tumor: t he term tumor (Latintumere,swell) means increased volume of tissue without any specific cause. In other words, a tumor is a newly formed body tissue (neoplasia) that occurs after a disturbance of cell growth. A tumor can be benign or malignant (cancer). 

Neoplasm : the term neoplasia literally means new growth or new formation. Neoplasm is the term used in medicine to designate anabnormal and uncontrolled growth of cellsrelated to a tumor or cancer. 

Pre-cancer: any tumor that does not turn into cancer yet. Pre-cancer is sometimes called Carcinoma In Situ.  

Invasive Tumor:a tumor that has left its original site to spread into other organs or areas in the body 

Malignant Tumor:  amalignant tumor is a cancer that has invaded and destroyed structures adjacent to it, and which can extend to remote organs of the body through metastasis, cancer cells breaking away from the original tumor to proliferate to distant sites.A malignant tumor is different from a benign tumor, which does not destroy adjacent structures. 

Cancer Screening : cancer screening is a set of procedures performed by medical specialists to detect asymptomatic cancers by the use of tests or diagnostic methods. Early screening helps reduce mortality (and morbidity of treatment) in patients who were screened compared with those in whom cancer was found following symptoms. 

Cancer Diagnosis: a diagnosis is a set of procedures leading to the detection or identification of a cancer, based on characters or symptoms noted by observations, examinations or tests. 

Cancer Stage: cancer stage is the measures a tumor has grown in size and location, as well as distance it has spread in the body. Once a cancer is diagnosed, it is important to determine its stage to allow the physician to choose the best treatment possible and also provides information on the chances of recovery (prognosis). 

Cancer Recurrence: the fact that the cancer has returned after treatment 

Cancer metastasis: metastasis is the growth of a primary tumor or tumor cells to distant organs or tissue from the initial site. 

Cancer Survival Rate: Cancer survival rate is the percentage of cancer patients who survive their cancer for a specific amount of time. The medical elite often uses an overall five-year survival rate to describe survival statistics. For instance, a breast tumor smaller than 1 cm, five-year survival rate is approximately 90%.  

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of cytotoxic chemicals (toxic to cancer cells) to treat patients, especially cancer patients. It is a systematic treatment which affects all organs of the body, unlike surgery and radiotherapy. 

Radiation Therapy: also called radiotherapy, radiation therapy is a local treatment of cancers usingionizing radiationto destroy cancer cells by blocking their ability to reproduce. The irradiation destroys all tumor cells found in its pathway while sparing surrounding healthy tissue, unlike chemotherapy which affects all cells. Radiation therapy can be used alone or combined with surgery or/and chemotherapy.  

Adjuvant Chemotherapy: this form ofchemotherapy is usually given after another therapy (mainly surgical therapy or radiotherapy) in order to increase or enhance the curative effects of another form of therapy such as surgery or radiotherapy. 

Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy : a neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a pretreatment; that is, it is administered prior to another treatment to reduce the size of a cancerous tumor. It is mainly used before surgery to limit the resection, or radiotherapy to increase efficiency. 

Palliative Care : this is an active care delivered in a comprehensive approach to patients suffering from a serious, progressive or terminal illness. The main goal of palliative care is to relieve physical pain and other symptoms.  

Prognosis : medically, prognosis is used to denote the prediction of the progress of a patient, and his possible chances of recovery. 

Chemotherapy Side Effects